Laboratory Setup
Dr. Sarman Singh has developed a modern Molecular Biology and Immunology Laboratory from the scratch. Presently his laboratory has several sophisticated equipments such as MB-Bact, Bact-Alert, BACTEC-960, Triturus ELISA processor, Gel-doc system, Sonicator, Semi-dry blotting apparatuses, fluorescence microscope, inverted microscope, CO2 incubator, Class I and Class II- A2/ B2 biosafety cabinets, hybridization chambers, High speed and ultracentrifuges, Genprobe, PCR systems, Gradient PCR, Slide PCR, Realtime PCR (Cepheid), and NASBA system besides the routine Clinical Microbiology systems. Most of these equipments are procured out of his research grants.

Student working on Automated mycobacterial culture system

Student working on PCR and genprobe analysis of Mycobacterium

Dr. Singh with Dr. T.D. Dogra, Director (acting), AIIMS, Special Invitee on the Inauguration
of NASBA laboratory.

Student working on MGIT-960

Dr.Sarman’s Ph.D Scholars

Dr.Sarman with Dr.Leonid Margolis from NIH, USA and his Research Staff.

Dr.Sarman’s Laboratory Staff Force