
My Parents

Forgone Times

With My M.D. Degree in Clinical Microbiology

Dr. Sarman Singh with his MBBS classmates at the occasion of Silver Jubilee Celebrations of their batch at KGMC, Lucknow, 2002.

As a Bench worker

As a Doctor

As a Professor At AIIMS

Field Visit

Field Visit

My laboratory staff celebrating beginning of new millennium

With Dr. P. Desjeux World Health Organization Geneva

Dr. Singh With Dr.Leonid Margolis from NIH, USA. Also present are Dr.Mukupadhyay and Dr. Khan with his colleagues.

Dr. Singh with his mentor Prof. KP Chang, and other laboratory members at Chicago Medical School, USA

Dr. Sarman Singh with other speakers of the Special Session on “War and Peace between Microbes” during the XVII World AIDS Conference at Mexico

Dr. Sarman Singh at Pyramid of Sun, Mexico

Dr. Sarman Singh in Kyoto, Japan.

Dr. Sarman Singh in Zurich

Dr. Sarman Singh in Geneva

Dr. Sarman Singh with faculty of CDC, USA in Calcutta

Dr. Sarman Singh in Calcutta